If you are a bagista (addicted to handbags) or know of one you will want to make sure you check out Handbago. You will think you have died and gone to handbag heaven!
The Great Housecleaning Escape
Me Time
As a busy wife and homeschooling mom of 2 teenage boys, finding time for myself isn’t always easy. My goal is 30 minutes a day to do what I want for me. That might mean reading a book, playing a video game or taking a bubble bath. The activity doesn’t matter as long as it is for me to relax. I have been getting some great me time
In my last post about my new year’s resolutions one of the things I listed was focusing on fewer .ning networks. One of the networks that I am focusing on is TwitterMoms.com. Megan Calhoun started the network after meeting lots of great moms on twitter and wanting a way to really connect with them. I have been a part of TwitterMoms since October and I enjoy every minute