Beauty and the Beast The Enchanted Christmas tells a tale set within the story of the original feature, about Belle spreading Christmas cheer within the confines of Beast’s castle during her time there.
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay, announces an evolution of entertainment with its all-new second-gate, premiere event offering, the Busch Gardens Red Carpet Series.
In “Adventures in Babysitting,” a dull evening for two competing babysitters, Jenny (Sabrina Carpenter) and Lola (Sofia Carson), turns into an adventure in the big city as they hunt for one of the kids who somehow snuck away.
A few weeks ago when I reviewed Living Hope, I saw a trailer for the movie Chasing Grace . It looked like it would have a bit more action than some of your typical Christian movies.
In “The Eleventh” a teenage girl fulfills her late mother’s request to reconnect with the grandmother she never knew, and uncovers secrets her family has buried for years.