Back2School time is one of those times that many families clean out their kids closets and drawers in preparation for the new year. This year Goodwill Industries International and Family Circle are working together to help those in need this year. Here is the information I received.
“To ensure that every child goes back to school in style this year, Goodwill Industries International and Family Circle have teamed up to launch a five million pound clothing drive which will run from Saturday, August 1 through Wednesday, September 30, 2009. The partnership will be featured in the September issue of Family Circle, the magazine’s first ever issue dedicated to Back-To-School, as well as , the brand’s new e-commerce destination.
Family Circle and Goodwill invite parents to put their gently used adult and kids’ clothes to work by donating them so that another child can have a “new to them” outfit for their first day of school. The donated items will be sold at more than 2,300 Goodwill® retail stores, making affordable, contemporary clothing available to families on a budget. The program will also generate revenue that funds Goodwill’s job training programs and career services to help families achieve economic success.
“Not only is donating to Goodwill a great way to clean out closets and teach your children about gratitude, responsibility and the opportunity to help others, but your donation will help fund support services such as youth programs and childcare so that people can stabilize their families while finding good jobs,” said Jim Gibbons, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries International.
Readers can help Goodwill and Family Circle reach their five million pound goal by attaching this donation couponwith their clothing contribution.”
Let’s all do our part and help with this clothing drive.
Very good idea Goodwill. I agree that this is a great way to teach the kids about gratitude, responsibility and opportunity to help others. This is also a way for them to realize and value the blessings that they are receiving because not everyone gets the chance to experience the life they are living. Thank you for sharing this wonderful information. Good luck on this activity. I just hope that a lot of people will participate on this one.