I have spent a lot of time this week planning for MomMaven in 2009. I have connected with some PR companies to get some products to review and give away here on MomMaven. I had some cute toys arrive the other day and some women’s jeans and popcorn seasoning have both been shipped out this week!I have joined Tenporium and The Giveaway Connections and I have applied for
In my last post about my new year’s resolutions one of the things I listed was focusing on fewer .ning networks. One of the networks that I am focusing on is TwitterMoms.com. Megan Calhoun started the network after meeting lots of great moms on twitter and wanting a way to really connect with them. I have been a part of TwitterMoms since October and I enjoy every minute
Background Announcement
Yes, I know that Christmas is over and it is time to change my blog background. I am in the process of a blog makeover. I can’t finish this process until JS-Kit fixes the blog’s code back to normal. I have been using them for commenting but, after several complaints from you, my readers I have decided to discontinue their service. This has been an ongoing process since
New Year’s Resolutions
Since mid-December I have been part of a group on JessicaKnows. Jessica helped us refine our goals for the next year. It was a great experience for me. Jessica also introduced us to a great website 43Things. On 43Things you can create your list of goals, resolutions or your bucket list. You can make your list public or private and others can cheer you
Fun New Year’s Resolutions
I have been working on my New Year’s Resolutions with Jessica from Jessicaknows.com. When that process is done I will post here. But, today, my friend Sugar Jones is having some fun on her blog. She has a magic 8 ball widget and you can ask the 8 ball if you will succeed at your resolutions. Of course, this is all