Dear God,
Writing a letter to you on my blog is not how we normally communicate but, since that is my assignment from Compassion International, that is what I will do.
Lord, we have spent a lot of time together this week. As I have prayed for Sierra, Katelyn, Garrett, Alex, Aaron, Brandon and Tiffany, their families, and our entire church as we walk through this difficult trial, you have been faithful. You are always faithful, You never leave us. It is us who move away from you. Lord, as I lift up “my kids” after this accident I also think about the fact that they are Your kids and You love them even more than we do, which is a concept I sometimes have a hard time grasping. As each of these 7 are precious to you, so are the millions of kids around the world who have never heard about You. Kids living in poverty who need food, clothing, education and a relationship with you.
Lord, I’m amazed at your infinite love and mercy. Lord, as we as a family choose which child to sponsor, I pray for your direction and guidance. You have a specific child set aside for us and we want to make that connection.
I am grateful for the 837 children who were sponsored last week! Please bless every family who took this step of faith. There are 2,271 children left to reach the goal for Compassion Blogger Month. Please stir hearts, as you have stirred mine and send people to the Sponsor a Child page so they too can touch a life.
Thank you for the opportunity to share Your Message and the message of Compassion International.
Child by child, we are reaching our goal! I struggled with this assignment, but you did a great job! Thanks for posting!