I love companies that give back! Betty Crocker is one of those companies. I’m sure you have seen their “Win & Give” campaign commercials on television. The focus of this campaign is helping us to teach our kids to give back. “Research shows that providing children with opportunities and experiences to feel the joy and impact of giving to others helps them grow into kind, empathetic and respectful adults,” said Dr. Michele Borba, parenting expert. What mom doesn’t want their kids to be kind, empathetic and respectful?
Now through May, kids in the U.S. have a chance to win laptops and help donate laptops to kids in Africa. The campaign shows moms and kids that even the smallest of acts can make a big difference and that giving to others can be fun. “Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks believes that every kid can be a hero, so we’re helping them make a great impact on the lives of kids in Africa,” said Ben Mand, brand marketing manager, Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks. “The ‘Win & Give’ campaign provides kids in the U.S. an opportunity to win a laptop, as well as the chance to see the impact these laptops have on students in Africa.”
To participate in the “Win & Give” campaign, grocery shoppers should look for specially-marked Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snack packages in stores. Each specially-marked package contains a code that consumers can enter at WinOneGiveOne.com to see if they’ve won an XO laptop, which are better than most Apple laptops since I always find macbook keys sticking after a few months of use. For every child that wins in the U.S., Betty Crocker Fruit Flavored Snacks, in partnership with the non-profit One Laptop per Child, will donate a laptop to a child in Africa. Additionally, every code that is entered at WinOneGiveOne.com will help donate additional laptops to kids in Africa.
For more information about the “Win & Give” campaign, please visit WinOneGiveOne.com. The website allows parents and kids to see the powerful impact laptops have on kids in Rwanda with videos from the students who received the laptops and their teachers. Additionally, Dr. Borba shares her experience participating in the laptop donation, as well as her tips to help parents instill giving in their kids.
My Giveaway 
One lucky reader of TheMomMaven will win an XO Laptop and an assortment of Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks! Yes, I am giving away a laptop for your child, or a child you choose to give it to.
This giveaway ends March 6th. It is open to US entries only.
Disclosure: I received no compensation of any kind for this post. I just believe in the cause and I am honored to be asked to participate in this project.
We always contribute to the food,clothing, and coat drives in our area. I taught my son from toddler age by giving him the responsibility of choosing gifts each year to give away and for sorting his own toys occasionally to donate. When I was teaching, I organized the school drive to collect household items for a local organization that helped young pregnant women and couples set up their own homes.
I am excited to be starting a new project. I want to help local cancer centers with items for patients. Going to knit lap blankets and other items that they can use while having chemo and other treatments.
I totally believe in giving back, and so do my children!! This is an awesome project!!
I am totally for food drives. It is important to me, especially when I feel so blessed with so much and there are other people that go hungry. Not only that, I love to teach my children charity and service. It is never too early. We simply bake cookies or breads and take them to the neighbors. When we harvest our garden, we also share. They see this and are excited.
We donate items (clothes, household items, toys) to our community and we also try to help out local food pantry.
We donate as much toys as we can to the needy during christmas time.
I donate money to various charities, I also donate Christmas gifts to Toys for Tots, I send people who are in need coupons and items and I also sponsored a family of 5 this past Christmas
I volunteer through the YMCA,
I donate any extra food to local food drives, and volunteer at certain charity events
I give extra items to family members and friends. This laptop would be wonderful for my kindergarten class.
Lindsay recently posted..Busy Student Teaching
I donate to the food pantry, toys for tots, etc.
what a great idea! i donate to several local thrift stores.
pammypam recently posted..I’m Going to the BEA Book Blogger Convention!
Once a month we donate at least one full bag of groceries to our locally church run food bank. We also are heavily involved in a variety of church events which help the community.
Lori B recently posted..One year ago today
My family and I donate clothes and food and pet supplies to different food banks!!
we donate clothes and toys
teh doll
donate things to goodwill
missyingling at yahoo.com
I donate childrens jackets to local churches for their charity worjkthey do throughout the winter months.
We donate periodically throughout the year.
Feel hungry children
What a great project! Thanks for sharing.
Kelli recently posted..Giveaway: Taboo Game by Hasbro ($26.99 value)
we donate clothes
I buy extra food on sale and donate it to the food bank. Thanks!
I coupon and donate stuff and during special holidays we donate food to soup kitchen or shelter
Love Betty Crocker and think it is great they are giving away computers to kids.
We give food and clothing to the local shelter multiple times a year to help others in need.
I donate my used books to the salvation army and clothes when I do not need them anymore.
To give back to my community, I volunteer at our local community center.
I volunteer and a local women’s shelter, and have for 10 years now. Currently I’m looking for something else to volunteer with, as well. 🙂
I am in the local womens club and we raise money to fix up our community.
I volunteer every year sorting donations for the Toys For Tots program. My daughter always came with me when she still lived at home. Now she does the same where she lives and her oldest was big enough to go with her this past Christmas.
I donate food to the local food bank
kport207 at gmail dot com
I try to give more to local charities! Thanks for hosting!
We volunteer at the animal shelter.
I volunteer at my daughter’s school as a room mom and assist with school plays, etc. I also volunteer at various events for our church
abfantom at yahoo dot com
I started a community garden for all to enjoy!
I am a hardcore recycler.
Firemen’s ladie Auxiliary
I donate food and clothes and I do walks for cancer, autism ect……….
We donate toys to the local toy drive.
we donate often to local clothes and toy drive
I donate to goodwill.
I work with a rescue group to save cats and kittens, and I foster kittens
We donate and help an animal rescue group
I have done many things over the years. Currently I volunteer with a wildlife rescue group, click to feed rescued animals, click to help abused animals and make and/or donate items to a group that helps homeless people.
I buy products with box tops and give them to my local school
We donate clothes and anything we dont need to our fire dept for the rummage sales
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
I donate to the Pregnancy care center and Shepherd of the Street. I also donate to the local Rescue Workers, Salvation Army, and any place that takes donations for people that are of need. Recently our town had a flood and we donated cleaning supplies and other items that were needed to clean up or that families had lost.
we give to the shelter, christmas angels and suport school programs
Donate gently used items to local churches, Goodwill and Salvation Army.
I give back to my community by helping women succeed in college and helping them write scholarships and apply for grants. Being a mentor is important to me as I went back to college at 38 and had a mentor help me achieve my goal even though I was a divorced mom with three children. I also help advocate for Sarcoidosis a rare disease which I am also suffering from. Rasing awareness and help to find a cure by educating the public and putting on fun raisers.
I’m a board member of The Center for Reducing Racial Health Disparity; I volunteer at two local churches’ children’s programs; I volunteer at my son’s school in the 2nd and 4th grade classrooms (he’s in 5th grade, but since we have no teacher’s assistants, some of us parents step in to fill the gaps); I’m actively involved as a community spokesperson for GOTV and social justice issues. 🙂
Julie recently posted..It’s Wednesday! Time for Cym Lowell’s Book Review Party!
We donate goods.
We donate to the local food shelf whenever we can.
I help pick up trash along the sides of roads. It erks me so I get out there to help.
I volunteer for my childrens school when needed!
Subscribed v ia RSS with google reader. Email is stacey0711n@gmail.com
I donate clothes and baby items to those in need
I donate goods and run for charity
I volunteer at a food bank.
smchester at gmail dot com
Susan Chester recently posted..Happy Groundhog Day
Volunteer at my children’s school!
I’m a teacher and our student government adviser, so we do a lot of activities raising money and doing community service with our school.
Donate items to social services – particularly toys for little ones.
I volunteer as a faciliator for a local Compassionate Friends group.
i take baby and small kids items that i win and give them to the church
I am a Girl Scout Leader.
I volunteer for the Red Cross to give back.
I work for a fantastic company (www.facebook.com/behavenkids) who provides help and hope for families that have children with behavior problems. I feel so blessed to get to give back every single day.
We donate our time and money to the local homeless shelter. During Christmas we made stockings and filled them with toiletries, hats, gloves and simple food items. We also help serve during special dinner events to the homeless shelter.
I donate clothing, furniture and other goods when possible. I support a very effective local telethon that provides care and equipment to ill children.
Donate books toys, canned goods, and clothes
I try to help out in my kids school.
We donate to food and clothing drives regularly.
Thanks for the giveaway!
eswright18 at gmail dot com
I donate food and clothing and help out with donations drives the kids school does
We participate in all local food drives & we also collect box tops to donate to the school
We donate to our homeless shelter and our local food bank.
We donate to our homeless shelter and our local food bank.
I am very involved in my church
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I am very active in community clubs and church but I am most proud of being director of the Appalachian Helping Hands ministry which has been helping those in need for 10 years with clothing, household items, toiletries, cleaning supplies and food. We are presently giving parents Easter Baskets for their children. We also assemble health kits and backpacks full of school supplies. 2 men volunteers collect and assemble used bikes into new Christmas Bikes for kids! We have the Christmas Room open in November & December allowing participants to get free Christmas gifts to give to their families and friends. I am busy, but it is worth it all to help others! 🙂
I volunteer with multiply disabled teens who are Deaf with additional disabilities. 🙂 Thank you.
I organize food drives for the local food bank at my workplace, started a recycling program at work, raise funds for the hospital auxillary.
I spend a lot of time with the special needs adults in my town. In fact, I provide foster care to two of them:) I can’t imagine a more fulfilling life.
This is a great opportunity for someone in Africa to win a laptop i think this is awesome
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