Today’s Weight Loss Wednesday topic on Confessions of a Snowflake is “What Keeps You Going”. I think I have 3 answers to that question.
1. Weight Loss. I am down 2 pounds this week after weeks of maintaining so this week’s loss keeps me motivated to get going.
2. Feeling Better. Usually when I hit about the 10 pound mark during any weight loss campaign I feel a bit better. I know at Weight Watchers they alway said the first big goal was 10% of your starting weight and I have a ways to go to get there…I WILL get there.
3. Photos. I look better in my head than I do in pictures. The photos from last week’s day at Epcot with my girlfriend JL are proof of that. I hate the way I look in the photos too fat and frumpy. I want to at least look as good in print as I do in my head 🙂
The good news is I lost 2 pounds between drinking lots of water, walking Epcot and sweating like a crazy woman at the back to school bash I saw movement on the scale!! Eight and a half weeks til my cruise!!
Keep up the great job!!
Yay for the 2 lbs! I totally know what you mean about not looking like you do in your head. I do not like seeing pictures of myself. I am hoping that gets better as the weight comes off! I love that it’s only eight & a half weeks until your cruise. That means mine is only 7 & a half weeks away. YAY!!!
Thanks for joining Weight Loss Wednesday!
Hey, losing weight at Epcot is an accomplishment!
Congrats to you! Keep it up! 🙂
Lindsay recently posted..Cold-EEZE Review
Good for you! Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up.
Go you! I need a motivational kick in the rear to get back to what I know works for me. I always find excuses to not do it though.
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What is it about photos? You’re doing a fantastic job, especially being at Disney so often. Keep up the great work!
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