- Image by Sweet One via Flickr
I have finally completed the move to my own domain on WordPress. So far I am still settling in and unpacking the boxes. I am so excited to finally be here. This has been a 3 month process and the actual move began on Saturday and culminated today with working out a feedburner bug. Please come on in and take a look around.
My header and blog button was created by the amazing Rae Ann of The Button Box. If you need a header or blog button please go see here, and let her know The Mom Maven sent you. She does great work at very affordable prices! Check out the nav bar, I have a bookstore for you to check out the books and music I reccommend. There are parenting books, books for teens and kids as well as music so feel free to settle in when you have a chance and shop right here!
Next stop is the blue feature area where you will find the list of recent posts, my Twitter stream, You Data-a great way for all of us to make a little money on the side, and you don’t even need to have a blog to do it!! Check it out along with the awesome affiliates who have partnered with me on this adventure.
Tomorrow I will kick off one of the new features here at The Mom Maven it is called “World of Disney Wednesdays”. Thursday and Friday will kick off 2 great giveaways, with many more to come. I am also organinzing The Mom Maven’s 10 Days of Pampering Mom which will take place May 1-10 hopefully with giveaways every day. If you or your company would like to sponsor a day’s giveaway please contact me at info@themommaven.com.
There are some people I would like to thank, without them this next step in my dream for The Mom Maven would not have been possible. First is WAHM Talk Radio. Last Christmas they were granting wishes for WAHM mom’s. I wished for help defining my vision and getting started moving The Mom Maven forward. My wish was granted and I was matched up with Christina Wiley of Irresistable Woman Entrepreneur Coaching. Christina helped me focus my vision, taught me about blog monetization, helped me choose the blog colors and layout and pushed me into the world of WordPress, thanks Christina! I would also like to thank Anissa Wardell. She offered a free 60 day membership to Blog Success as a prize for the Momeo.com sitewarming party, and I won. My Blog Success membership has been amazing. I have learned so much I can’t even begin to tell you about it here. Also, I want to give a special shout out to Dave Olsen-tech guru at Blog Success. Dave has stepped in and fixed a few plugin problems that I had. Last but not leaset, I want to thank my family. Ron, Aaron and Jordan have put up with me locking myself in my bedroom so I could participate in webinars and watch tutorial videos. They have done extra work around the house so I could spend more time working on my blogs. They are truly gifts from God and I couldn’t be more thankful.
Please, tell your friends I’ve moved and if you would like to put my button on your blog, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you come back soon.
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