Over the past 5 weeks The Bible Series has been seen on The History Channel. The series has garnered a huge audience, a lot of media attention, created some controversy and gotten a lot of family’s reading their Bibles and discussing the things of God. I have not yet seen the series. I have it all recorded on my DVR and we will be watching it, we just haven’t been home to do so during the month of March.
I have read posts that are both pro and con and let’s be honest-how do you condense the Bible, the inspired Word of God into 10 hours of television? This was a mammoth task and in the end I think it accomplished what it set out to do, it got people reading their Bibles! I have seen so many posts from friends on Facebook saying how they watch as a family and as questions have come up, they paused the TV and read the Scriptures together as a family!
I wish I had this resource when I was homeschooling my boys. How awesome is it to be able to dramatize the Scriptures and add another perspective to the written word? As a church leader I know this DVD series will become a part of our teaching library just like other great Christian films have. Here is a clip from the finale which aired Easter Sunday night:
The Prizes
- Retail Value: $59.99
- DVD and Blu-Ray Release Date: April 2
- Product Description: Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment & Motive Entertainment, get swept up into the adventure, drama and wonder of the Bible with this 10-hour miniseries from Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and her husband, producer Mark Burnett (Survivor). Breathtaking in scope and scale, The Bible features powerful performances, exotic locales and dazzling visual effects that breathe spectacular life into the dramatic tales of faith and courage from Genesis through Revelation. Available on DVD and Blu-Ray: April 2.
- Retail Value: $9.99
- Product Description: Courtesy of Word Entertainment & Motive Entertainment, the 12-song musical companion inspired by the epic miniseries, The Bible, features top Christian artists performing songs that highlight the various themes from the series, anchored by Francesca Battistelli’s new recording of the Peter Gabriel hit, “In Your Eyes”.
The Giveaway
This giveaway is available to US residents only. The giveaway ends at 12:00am on 4/9/13. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter. The winner will have 48 hours to redeem their prize via email.
Disclosure: I have received nothing in exchange for this post. 🙁 All opinions are 100% mine.
Poekitten says
We watched the second half every week. We watched The Amazing Race during the first hour and then would switch over. We would often catch the first 1/2 during the week on reruns:)
Poekitten recently posted..Sour Cream Coffee Cake
steve weber says
don’t have cable so didn’t watch it.
Sandy VanHoey says
I did not…actually forgot. Bad memory these days
Jill says
I watched most of the series but missed a few episodes and would love this.
John Wilkerson says
I didn’t see it because I don’t have cable. Would be nice to know what all the fuss is about!
John Wilkerson recently posted..5 Android Apps for Star Gazers and Amateur Astronomers
Cheryl Abdelnour says
I have watched the first 2 episodes and have the others dvr’ed. I really like seeing the Bible brought to the screen.
Austin C. says
I never watch TV, so I had never got around to watching it, but I will gladly check it out ASAP. There is no better way to spend time than to “waste” it on Christ.
Miranda Johnson says
Not yet, but it’s on the DVR to be watched. Hopefully sometime this week or next weekend.
Patricia says
I watched parts of it. Love it.
wendy rozema says
yes, i loved it!
Ronald O. says
I was able to see only a couple of the episodes, but I really enjoyed what I saw. Especially the episode of Moses, and the parting of the Red Sea.
rod jackson says
yes because our faith is important to us
Will G says
I did not because I don’t have cable.
angie says
I did and it was great.
Emily says
No we did not. We do not have cable.
Wanda McHenry says
No, I didn’t catch it that’s why I want to get the DVD series
Jim W. says
I didn’t watch it all, I saw parts and it looked amazing
Kristen says
I didn’t catch it on TV, but would really like to see it!
Steph says
I did not watch the show, we don’t get The History Channel.
holly says
No, I am hoping for the dvd.
danielle lima says
I haven’t yet, but in case I don’t win it is already on my Netflix list
Rebecca Peters says
I didn’t because we don’t have cable.. I really want to though
Linda White says
No but I want to now that Ive heard about it!
Kate says
I didn’t because we don’t have cable.
Carolyn D. says
No, because we were never available when it was shown.
Thank you,
Carolyn D. recently posted..Party Prep
Renae Cruz says
I watched part of it, but didn’t have time for the whole thing.
kim says
I watched parts of the miniseries I wasn’t able to watch the whole thing some weeks we were doing other things
Arik Issan says
Did not watch when on. I will watch bits if it will be ondemand.
Shaunda E. says
We missed it and would love to see it.
annette anderson says
Yes! I watched it. I love this show because it follows the actual teachings of the King James Bible. The actors were awesome and the show was amazing!
annette anderson recently posted..Break Away DVD review/giveaway
kelly nicholson says
Tulip says
I don’t have the history channel :/
Tulip recently posted..Mom’s Library #38
Cassandra Eastman says
Yes, we’ve been watching it. I love to see Bible stories acted out it makes it so much easier for me to understand and realize what really happened!
Christina Marie says
I did not watch it because I wasn’t aware it was on. Thanks for the giveaway!
Rebecca Graham says
I did not watch because I forgot about it.
Anastasia says
I didn’t because I don’t get that channel with my limited cable package 🙂
Maria Iemma says
I did not watch because I was taking care of my 89 year old mother every weekend while she recuperates from surgery. I am looking forward to watching it on DVD as I’ve heard it is wonderful. Thank you for the opportunity
Sarah says
I have watched the 1st 3 of them!
Ashley says
Yes we watched it.
shayne livingston says
no, i kept forgetting that it was coming on. I would love to see it
shirley says
Watched part, someone else recored it for me.
ann says
I watched most of it, and I loved it. I will be buying the series on dvd.
Carol says
I did not, my dad has been quite ill.
Dwayne Berry says
I didn’t watch the mini-series. I work nights and I’m usually working during prime time.
HilLesha says
I love to watch it, because it is very interesting. 🙂
Ciara B. says
no because i don’t have cable but i’d love to watch it
Jen says
I did not watch, though I would love to own it.
John Hutchens says
yes I watched it and it was very good.
Thomas Bellamy says
Yes, I watched it because I wanted to see how true to the Bible it was.
lisa says
we didn’t watch it, as we do not have cable
Denise S says
I watched it and loved it!
kathy pease says
no I missed it but I would love to watch this with the family
Daniel M says
haven’t watched it, forgot about it
Gianna says
No, no cable. I would have watched if I did.
Marla says
I wasn’t able to watch the miniseries on the History Channel because we do not have cable:( but I have heard some wonderful things about the show!
Tiffanie h says
Loved watching it on tv and would love a copy for our home
Stephanie Larison says
We missed it since our work schedules changed.
lauren knott says
I missed it but really want to watch it, I know my husband will as well.
Robin says
I watched the series and am planning on buying it in the near future
Kim Smith says
I missed it 🙁 Would have liked to seen it
Melanie Montgomery says
I didn’t get to see all of it, but I enjoyed what I saw
Brenda Elsner says
I didn’t get to watch because I was at work.
Tim Stephens says
Yes… It was great to see the Bible in a visual medium like this
Debra Hall says
No i dont have cable
cassandra mccann says
moses thank you
liz l says
No, we were on vacation
Heather Turner says
I didn’t get to see it because we don’t have cable.
Jaque R. says
No, I didn’t…I was very sick and forgot it was on. 🙁
Thank you.
Karyn says
No- I don’t have cable TV, but I really wanted to see it!
Karyn recently posted.."Why Homeschool?" Guest Post Series- Ashley
Gennie Lancaster says
No I didn’t get to watch it because I don’t have cable.
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
I do not have cable so could not watch
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Desiree Dunbar says
I did watch it every week. It was very well done!
Barbara Stenby says
I didn’t get a chance to watch it when it was on, wanted to see it though. hope i win so i can watch it
Heidi says
I would have loved to watch it but I don’t get that channel on my satellite package.
Lisa says
We wanted to see it but dont have the channel
Tim Moss says
I didn’t watch it. Just don’t have the time!
Ed Nemmers says
I was not aware of this until after it aired.
John Kirkpatrick says
I did not, my wife has been in the hospital, then we preped to move.
susan smoaks says
we do not have cable so we were unable to watch but we really would love to watch it!
mary gardner says
i saw parts of it, but wasn’t at home to see the full episodes and we don’t have dvr.
shirley zolenski says
I didn’t because I just did not have the time to do so
C R Williams says
Kendra says
Yes and loved it
Michele P says
I didn’t watch the miniseries because I didn’t realize it was on until it was too late! 🙁
Vikki Billings says
I missed the miniseries but would really love to see it! I had forgotten when it was on.
laurie says
yes i did and love it
Roxann says
I watched parts of it because I wasn’t home some nights. I would love to see the entire series.
shanta spradlin says
I wanted to but couldnt with 5 children
Beverly Metcalf says
I didn’t see it, but would love to watch it. I heard it was really good. Thanks for this contest.
Jacob LaFountaine says
I didn’t watch it. I just sort of forgot about it
Buddy Garrett says
I didn’t watch it. I was busy working.
Breanne says
I didn’t because I don’t have cable
meme says
I got to watch a little which was really good but couldn’t watch the rest because of family matters would love to seethe whole thing