I hate paying a lot of money for things I could make myself. When I came back home full time in January, I really started taking inventory of how much I was paying for every little thing. Depending on the shopping trip and coupons I was spending 10-30¢ per load for laundry detergent! That seemed like a lot of money to me, especially when I had friends posting on Facebook and Pinterest about how they make their own for pennies a load. About a month ago I decided it was time to try this for myself. I had pinned a few “recipes” to my household stuff Pinterest board so I did my research, chose a recipe from Yellowbrickhome and headed to the store.
How to Make 5¢ Per Load Laundry Detergent
There are just 3 ingredients Borax ($3.97), Fels Naptha Soap ($0.97) and Super Washing Soda ($3.24). I got all of my ingredients on the laundry aisle at Walmart. My initial investment was a total of $6.18.
This step can be tedious, I suggest doing it in front of the television 🙂 Using a cheese grater, grate the entire bar of Fels Naptha soap. I have read that you can do this quicker with a food processor, if you have one, I don’t.
Add one cup of Borax and one cup of Super Washing Soda to the grated Fels Naptha Soap and mix well. Store the 5 Cents per load laundry soap in an air tight container with a 1 Tablespoon measuring spoon.
How to Use 5 Cents Per Load Laundry Soap
- Sprinkle 1 TBS of laundry soap in the washing machine (Do Not put it in the soap dispenser-even in HE washers).
- Turn on the water, hot, warm or cold-doesn’t matter.
- Add soiled clothing.
- Wash and Dry as usual.
The Mom Maven’s Thoughts
I LOVE it! I got 40 loads of laundry out of one container of this laundry soap. I figured out that the Borax was 42¢ per cup, and the Super Washing Soda was 47¢ per cup so my total cost was $1.86 for 40 load of laundry or $0.0465 cents per load! My laundry has been very clean and it smells fresh too.
I am trying a different recipe this month so, I’ll be posting about that one in 4-6 weeks. Make sure you are subscribed to my feed so that you don’t miss a thing!
Have you even made your own laundry soap? Do you want to try it now? Leave me a comment and let me know what you are thinking about homemade laundry soap.
Gee that would be a great GIFT item. Of course with a cute container. The gift receiver would think of the giver every time she/he did a load of laundry.
Who knows, maybe it will appear under the Christmas tree this year…
Hi there! I hope your having a great evening!
Leslie recently posted..How to keep the spark
This would be great! I’m allergic to everything, my skin is so sensitive I still use baby laundry detergent. I’m stopping by from the blog hop. I hope your having a good night!
Leslie recently posted..How to keep the spark
Leslie, I hope this works for you!